敬爱的老师,亲爱的同学们。大家好!今天我们演讲的题目是《让青春与诚信通行》在青春的道路上,诚信是每一个人必不可少的东西。诚信是一种坚不可摧的信念,是一种品德,更是人类一声的追求。div id="hzh1">
chinese hero lei feng, at the expense of youth to restore the integrity and virtue. in between honesty and morality, in every chinese heart, but get eternal life, this is the example we should learn. we study this kind of spirit, this kind of quality, always hovering between person and person, interlocking heart.
integrity is admittedly important, in our youth, but also to the integrity of the word in my mind.
we finished the speech, thank you!