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○  习近平博鳌亚洲论坛演讲稿  ○


  There are certain historic occasionsthat are likely to remind people of what happened in the past and set peoplereflecting on them. This year marks the 70th anniversary of the end of theWorld Anti-Fascist War, the victory of the Chinese People’s War of ResistanceAgainst Japanese Aggression and the founding of the United Nations. This yearis also the 60th anniversary of the Bandung Conference and will witness thecompletion of the ASEAN Community. As such, it is an important year to becommemorated as well as a historic juncture to reflect on the past and look tothe future.


  Over the past 70 years, the world hasexperienced profound changes as never before, making a difference to thedestiny of mankind. With the days of global colonialism and the Cold War longgone, countries are now increasingly interconnected and interdependent. Peace,development and win-win cooperation have become the prevailing trend of ourtimes. The international forces are shifting in a way that is more favorable tomaintaining world peace. Countries are now in a better position to upholdgeneral stability in the world and seek common development.


  Over the past 70 years, Asia has alsogone through unprecedented changes. After gaining national independence, Asiancountries took their destiny in their own hands and strengthened the force forregional and world peace. Asian countries were the first to advocate the FivePrinciples of Peaceful Co-existence and, together with African countries, putforward

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