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○  撒切尔夫人离职演说稿  ○

spirit. People all over Britain are finding a new confidence and a new pride.The Conservative Government didn't create that spirit. It's the true spirit of the British people. What we did was just set it free.We were determined to give people back the incentive to work and the confidence to save.That’s why we have to cut inflations:that’s why we would determine to take power from the trade union bosses and give it back to Union members;and that's why we abolished a whole mass of controls,and we stopped government trying to run businesses,which is something politicians have never been much good at. So we privatised them. The manager is managed,the workers shared in the ownership and the industries turned from losses into profit. As a result of all this,the living standards in this country are the highest there have ever been. Britain really is a country again and his prosperity is spreading steadily through the Community.


  Thirty years ago only thirty people in a hundred owned their own homes. Today it's sixty-five in every hundred.


  It's always the dream and the ambition of the Conservative Party that what used to be the luxuries of the few should become the daily experience,indeed the necessity of the many.It's happening with homes:it’s happening with shares,and it is happening with savings. And the result has been a greater prosperity. It's not only our standard of living that has increased,it means we’ve been able to put greater resources into health and social security,but you can only do that when you first created the prosperity.And all this has been achieved by government and peop

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