Remarks by the President at 60th Anniversary of the Korean War Armistice
National Korean War Veterans Memorial Washington, D.C.
July 27, 2013
Thank you so much. (Applause.) Thank you. Please be seated. Good morning. Annyong haseyo.
非常感谢。(掌声)谢谢各位。请就坐。早上好。Annyong haseyo.(韩语:大家好。)
Secretaries Hagel, Jewell and Shinseki; Admiral Winnefeld; General Jung; all our friends from the Republic of Korea, including the legendary General Paik Sun Yup; distinguished guests; and most of all, veterans of the Korean War and your families. (Applause.) To our veterans -- many in your 80s, a few in your old uniforms -- which still fit -- (laughter) -- let me just say you look outstanding. And I would ask that all United States, Republic of Korea, and other veterans who fought -- I would ask those who can stand to please stand so that we can properly honor you here today. (Applause.)
July 27th, 1953 -- 60 years ago today. In the village of Panmunjom, in a barren room, the generals picked up their pens and signed their names to the agreement spread before them. That night, as the armistice took hold, the guns of war thundered no more. Along the jagged front, men emerged from their muddy trenches. A Marine raised his bugle and played taps. And a soldier spoke for millions when he said, “Thank God it is over.”
1953年7月27日—— 60年前的今天。 在板门店村一间空荡荡的屋子里,几位将军拿起钢笔,在他们面前的协议上签下了自己的名字。那一晚,随着停战协定的生效,战争的枪炮停止咆哮。在坑坑洼洼的前线,将士们从泥泞的战壕中走出来。一名海军陆战队员举起小号,吹响了军号。一名士兵说出了数百万将士的心声:“谢天谢地,战争结束了。&