third: dine hiccups, don't don't appear other voice, if appear sneezing, such as sound involuntarily satisfactory, will say i'm sorry.; i'm sorry; cool. please. the words of apology. to show within.
the fourth; if you want to give a guest or elders bucai. the commissions.the. can also gongkuai from guest or elders far dishes came to them, by our chinese nation habit. food is a a upwards. if the table, the old man, the guest leadership have come up a new word. whenever it please them when dish can first move chopsticks. or take turns please them first move chopsticks for them. to show the attention.
fifth: eat fish,
bones and other things, barb, do not go to vomit, also don't go outside thrown on the ground by hand. will slowly take oneself to dish, or put on abuts his table edge or put it on paper prepared.
sixth: timely time to talk about people with harmonic atmosphere, witty words. don't eat with bare head, regardless of others, also not gobbled up a meal, more do not drink.
seven: had better not your teeth at the dinner table when your teeth. if you want to, you'll have to use the napkin or hand blocking his mouth.
eight: to clear the main task of the meals. must be clear to talk about business primarily. or to contact feelings primarily. or with dinner. if is mainly, to arrange seat before when the main negotiator will note. the seat near each other facilitate conversation or dredge emotion. if it is. only after need attention of common sense and etiquette went, focusing on the appreciation, dishes