it is only after a great deal of agonizing consideration that i am able to talk of these unpleasant matters to anyone except my closest friends. as i've said before these last few days have been very trying and very hard for me and it hasn't just been the last few days this week. it has actually been over a month now that i have been under the strain of this issue.
telling the world is the most difficult experience of my life, but it is very close to having to live through the experience that occasion this meeting. i may have used poor judgment early on in my relationship with this issue. i was aware, however, that telling at any point in my career could adversely affect my future career. and i did not want early on to burn all the bridges to the eeoc.
as i said, i may have used poor judgment. perhaps i should have taken angry or even militant steps, both when i was in the agency, or after i left it. but i must confess to the world that the course that i took seemed the better as well as the easier approach.
i declined any comment to newspapers, but later when senate staff asked me about these matters i felt i had a duty to report. i have no personal vendetta against clarence thomas. i seek only to provide the committee with information which it may regard as relevant.
it would have been more comfortable to remain silent. i took no initiative to inform anyone. but when i was asked by a representative of this committee to report my experience, i felt that i had to tell the truth. i could not keep silent.