and i needn't remind you -- but i will -- it has been during democratic years that a billion persons were cast into communist captivity and their fate cynically sealed.
today -- today in our beloved country we have an administration which seems eager to deal with communism in every coin known -- from gold to wheat, from consulates to confidences, and even human freedom itself.
now the republican cause demands that we brand communism as the principal disturber of peace in the world today. indeed, we should brand it as the only significant disturber of the peace, and we must make clear that until its goals of conquest are absolutely renounced and its relations with all nations tempered, communism and the governments it now controls are enemies of every man on earth who is or wants to be free.
now, we here in america can keep the peace only if we remain vigilant and only if we remain strong. only if we keep our eyes open and keep our guard up can we prevent war. and i want to make this abundantly clear: i don't intend to let peace or freedom be torn from our grasp because of lack of strength or lack of will -- and that i promise you, americans.
i believe that we must look beyond the defense of freedom today to its extension tomorrow. i believe that the communism which boasts it will bury us will, instead, give way to the forces of freedom. and i can see in the distant and yet recognizable future the outlines of a world worthy of our dedication, our every risk, our every effort, our every sacrifice along the way. yes, a world that will