and second, no act of ours could more fittingly continue the work of president kennedy than the early passage of the tax bill for which he fought all this long year. this is a bill designed to increase our national income and federal revenues, and to provide insurance against recession. that bill, if passed without delay, means more security for those now working, more jobs for those now without them, and more incentive for our economy.
in short, this is no time for delay. it is a time for action -- strong, forward-looking action on the pending education bills to help bring the light of learning to every home and hamlet in america; strong, forward-looking action on youth employment opportunities; strong, forward-looking action on the pending foreign aid bill, making clear that we are not forfeiting our responsibilities to this hemisphere or to the world, nor erasing executive flexibility in the conduct of our foreign affairs; and strong, prompt, and forward-looking action on the remaining appropriation bills.
in this new spirit of action, the congress can expect the full cooperation and support of the executive branch. and, in particular, i pledge that the expenditures of your government will be administered with the utmost thrift and frugality. i will insist that the government get a dollar's value for a dollar spent. the government will set an example of prudence and economy.