fifty years ago, in this room, and at this very desk, president woodrow wilson spoke words which caught the imagination of a war-weary world. he said: “this is the war to end wars.” his dream for peace after world war i was shattered on the hard reality of great power politics. and woodrow wilson died a broken man.
tonight, i do not tell you that the war in vietnam is the war to end wars, but i do say this:
i have initiated a plan which will end this war in a way that will bring us closer to that great goal to which woodrow wilson and every american president in our history has been dedicated -- the goal of a just and lasting peace.
as president i hold the responsibility for choosing the best path for that goal and then leading the nation along it.
i pledge to you tonight that i shall meet this responsibility with all of the strength and wisdom i can command, in accordance with your hopes, mindful of your concerns, sustained by your prayers.
thank you.