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○  英语演讲:television news coverage  ○

tions. i’ve made no attempt to suggest the answers. the answers must come from the media men. they are challenged to turn their critical powers on themselves, to direct their energy, their talent, and their conviction toward improving the quality and objectivity of news presentation. they are challenged to structure their own civic ethics to relate to the great responsibilities they hold.

and the people of america are challenged, too -- challenged to press for responsible news presentation. the people can let the networks know that they want their news straight and objective. the people can register their complaints on bias through mail to the networks and phone calls to local stations. this is one case where the people must defend themselves, where the citizen, not the government, must be the reformer; where the consumer can be the most effective crusader.

by way of conclusion, let me say that every elected leader in the united states depends on these men of the media. whether what i’ve said to you tonight will be heard and seen at all by the nation is not my decision, it’s not your decision, it’s their decision. in tomorrow’s edition of the des moines register, you’ll be able to read a news story detailing what i’ve said tonight. editorial comment will be reserved for the editorial page, where it belongs. should not the same wall of separation exist between news and comment on the nation’s networks?

now, my friends, we’d never trust such power, as i’ve described, over public opinion in the hands of an elected government. it’s time we questioned it in the hands of a small unelected elite. the great networks have dominated america’s airwaves for decades. the people are entitled a full accounting their stewardship.

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