我们都知道,马丁·路德·金是美国的民权运动领袖,他为黑人谋求平等,甚至献出了自己的生命,被誉为是“黑人的麦加”。而与此同时,马丁·路德·金也是一名卓越的反战斗士,他关心的不仅仅是“小我”的权利,而且还有“大我”的和平、自由。如果你一直以来只是把马丁·路德·金看成一个黑人运动领袖,那么下面的这篇演讲相信会让你对他有新的认识——马 ぢ返隆そ鸬奈按笕烁裰档梦颐敲恳桓鲅鍪幼鹁础?br>
本演讲发表于1967年4月4日,是马丁·路德·金在“忧世教士和俗人协会”的一个反越站的集会上的演讲,集会的地点是纽约著名的河边大教堂(riverside church)。
i come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. i join you in this meeting because i am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: clergy and laymen concerned about vietnam. the recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and i found myself in full accord when i read its opening lines: "a time comes when silence is betrayal."
演讲全文:a time to break silence by martin luther king, jr.
i come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. i join you in this meeting because i am in deepest agreement with the aims and work of the organization which has brought us together: clergy and laymen concerned about vietnam. the recent statements of your executive committee are the sentiments of my own heart, and i found myself in full accord when i read its opening lines: "a time comes when silence is betrayal." and that time has come for us in relation to vietnam.
the truth of these words is beyond doubt, but the mission to which they call us is a most difficult one. even when pressed by the demands of inner truth, men do not easily assume the task of opposing their government's policy, especially in time of war. nor does the human spirit move without great difficulty against all the apathy of conformist tho