in practical terms, global partnership means that every country where there is extreme poverty is entitled to expect help in forging and pursuing a national strategy to achieve the mdgs by 2015. for the poorest countries, most of which are in africa, this will be of decisive importance. without it, they will not reach the goals. with it, they are in with a real chance.
that places a big responsibility on the rich countries and it is one that china shares. i know you are used to thinking of your country as a developing one, and so it is probably the fastest developing country the world has ever seen. but the more successfully it develops, the more it too will be expected to show solidarity with smaller and poorer countries that still need a helping hand.
by the same token, as china's geopolitical weight grows, so does its share of responsibility for world security.
as well as global solidarity, the millennium declaration expressed a shared vision of collective security, rooted in the united nations charter.
yet the events of the past two years have called that consensus in question.
some have doubted whether article 51 of the charter, which reaffirms the inherent right of self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a member of the united nations, until the security council has taken measures necessary to maintain international peace and security, is still sufficient in an age when an armed attack may come without warning, from a clandestine te