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○  英语演讲教程:talking during the break  ○

he's the american scholar on electronics. mr. li should have picked him up, but he had an accident yesterday morning. nothing serious, but something was wrong with his car.

b: well, what's new in your department since i left?

a: oh, nothing, really. how are you enjoying the work?

b: oh, it's very interesting, i must say. i've learnt a lot. perhaps we'll find time to talk about it. we've had some interesting results.

a: would you like to have dinner with me?

b: yes, that would be very nice.

one participant being introduced to another participant

a: dr. kerridge, may i introduce you to dr. hyman?

b: glad to meet you. 

c: glad to meet you too.

b: i'm pleased to meet you at last. i've heard so much about you from dr. liu. i belive you're doing research in the field of statistics.

c: that's right.

b: i was most interested

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