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○  英语演讲稿-malcolm x: message to the grass roots  ○

death, scared the white power structure in washington, d. c. to death; i was there. when they found out that this black steamroller was going to come down on the capital, they called in wilkins; they called in randolph; they called in these national negro leaders that you respect and told them, "call it off." kennedy said, "look, you all letting this thing go too far." and old tom said, "boss, i can't stop it, because i didn't start it." i'm telling you what they said. they said, "i'm not even in it, much less at the head of it." they said, "these negroes are doing things on their own. they're running ahead of us." and that old shrewd fox, he said, "well if you all aren't in it, i'll put you in it. i'll put you at the head of it. i'll endorse it. i'll welcome it. i'll help it. i'll join it."

a matter of hours went by. they had a meeting at the carlyle hotel in new york city. the carlyle hotel is owned by the kennedy family; that's the hotel kennedy spent the night at, two nights ago; [it] belongs to his family. a philanthropic society headed by a white man named stephen currier called all the top civil-rights leaders together at the carlyle hotel. and he told them that, "by you all fighting each other, you are destroying the civil-rights movement. and since you're fighting over money from white liberals, let us set up what is known as the council for united civil rights leadership. let's form this council, and all the civil-rights organizations will belong to it, and we'll use it for fund-raising purposes." let me show you how tricky the white man is. and as soon as they got it formed, they elected whitney young as the chairman, and who [do] you think became the co-chairman? stephen currier, the white man, a millionaire. powell was talking about it down at the cobo [hall] today. this is what he was talking about. powell knows it happened. randolph knows it happened. wilkins knows it happened. king knows it happened. everyone of that so-called big six -- they

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