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○  英语演讲稿:the great silent majority  ○

we believe strongly in that. we are not going to withdraw from that effort. in my opinion, for us to withdraw from that effort would mean a collapse not only of south vietnam but southeast asia. so we’re going to stay there.

president eisenhower and president johnson expressed the same conclusion during their terms of office. 

for the future of peace, precipitate withdrawal would be a disaster of immense magnitude. a nation cannot remain great if it betrays its allies and lets down its friends. our defeat and humiliation in south vietnam without question would promote recklessness in the councils of those great powers who have not yet abandoned their goals of world conquest. this would spark violence wherever our commitments help maintain the peace -- in the middle east, in berlin, eventually even in the western hemisphere. ultimately, this would cost more lives. it would not bring peace. it would bring more war.

for these reasons i rejected the recommendation i should end the war by immediately withdrawing all of our forces.  i chose instead to change american policy on both the negotiating front and the battle front in order to end the war on many fronts.  i initiated a pursuit for peace on many fronts. in a television speech on may 14, in a speech before the united nations, on a number of other occasions, i set forth our peace proposals in great detail. 

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