(i am not going to tell george ya clapped more for ferris than ya clapped for george.)
the third choice that must not be missed is to cherish your human connections: your relationships with family and friends. for several years, you've had impressed upon you the importance to your career of dedication and hard work. and, of course, that's true. but as important as your obligations as a doctor, a lawyer, a business leader will be, you are a human being first. and those human connections --- with spouses, with children, with friends -- are the most important investments you will ever make.
at the end of your life, you will never regret not having passed one more test, winning one more verdict, or not closing one more deal. you will regret time not spent with a husband, a child, a friend or a parent.
we are in a transitional period right now, fascinating and exhilarating times, learning to adjust to changes and the choices we, men and women, are facing. as an example, i remember what a friend said, on hearing her husband complain to his buddies that he had to babysit. quickly setting him straight, my friend told her husband that when it's your own kids, it's not called babysitting.
now, maybe we should adjust faster; maybe we should adjust slower. but whatever the era whatever the times, one thing will never change: fathers and mothers, if you have children, they must come first. you must read to your children. and you must hug your children. and you must love your children. your success as a family, our success as a society, depends not on what happens in the white house, but on what happens inside your house.