mundt: you may have, sir --
welch: senator mccarthy, i did not know, senator -- senator, sometimes you say may i have your attention --
mccarthy: i'm listening....
welch: may i have your attention?
mccarthy: i can listen with one ear and talk with --.
welch: no, this time, sir, i want you to listen with both. senator mccarthy, i think until this moment --
mccarthy: -- good. just a minute. jim, jim, will you get the news story to the effect that this man belongs to the -- to this communist front organization....
welch: i will tell you that he belonged to it.
mccarthy: jim, will you get the citation, one of the citations showing that this was the legal arm of the communist party, and the length of time that he belonged, and the fact that he was recom
mended by mr. welch. i think that should be in the record....
welch: senator, you won't need anything in the record when i finish telling you this. until this moment, senator, i think i never really gauged your cruelty, or your recklessness. fred fisher is a young man who went to the harvard law school and came into my firm and is starting what looks to be a brilliant career with us. when i decided to work for this committee, i asked jim st. clair, who sits on my right, to be my first assistant. i said to jim, "pick somebody in the firm to work under you that you would like." he chose fred fisher, and they came down on an afternoon plane. that night, when we had taken a little stab at trying to see what the case is about, fred fisher and jim st. clair and i went to dinner together. i then said to these two young men, "boys, i don't know anything about you, except i've always liked you, but if there's anything funny in the life