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○  2015优学茶话会对教师演讲  ○

ach importance to anything you teach in class, that you will carry out your teaching task in students’shoes. use the simplest language, express yourselves systematically, choose classical exercises and comprehensive examination questions.

我还想说,年轻老师先要学会做事,在日常的工作实践中历练自己,成长自我。千万不能拈轻怕重,敷衍塞责,那将很难取信于所在的团队,更得不到领导的赏识和器重。有个成语叫“大智若愚”,千真万确。年轻人应该装作傻一点,甘愿吃亏一点。吃亏是福。傻一点,吃亏一点,不仅做好应该做的工作,而且做好需要做的工作。工作做好了,才会引起他人的注意。当有人注意你了,成功也就向你招手了。besides, you young teachers should improve yourselves by doing a good job. do not pick easy jobs and shirk hard ones. never be halfhearted about your work, or none of your colleagues will trust you, nor will any superiors think highly of yourselves. remember the chinese idiom “still water runs deep. he knows most who speaks least. a man of great wisdom often appears slow-witted”. you pretend to be silly and enjoy suffering losses. apart from doing what you are expected to, try to do what you think you need to. your remarkable performance will surely catch attention. when you are noticed by working hard, you are near to success.


lastly, young teachers ought to retrospect more and complain less. it is reasonable to complain occasionally, but grumbling too much harms your image as well as your mind. in fact, complaining shows that you are incompetent instead of helping to solve any problem. therefore, once the situation is against your wish, try to blame yourselves, try to calm down, summing up your own weaknesses. ancient people set us a good example: review my own fault while sitting alone; never talk gossip while chatting with others.


teachers and workers of youxue education, all public praise depends on your devotion to work. in this world o

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