-- if cigarette ads are banned now, ads for other products such as fast cars, liquor, beer, etc. will be banned before long.
(3) 可疑原因:“lottery in june, corn be heavy soon”
-- a research study demonstrated that children who watched my two dads rather than cheers made higher grades in school. so my two dads must be more educational than cheers.
-- the number of juveniles arrested for serious and violent crimes in the united states increased 1600 percent between the years 1952 and 1872. since this is the very period in which television became ascendant in the lives of american children, and since the programs children watched were saturated with crime and destruction, it is reasonable to argue that television was responsible for the skyrocketing increase in juvenile crime.
(4) 非逻辑关系:“there’s always been a lottery,”
“非逻辑关系”的意思就是没有逻辑关系,也就是英文”it does not follow”的意思。再看下面两例:
-- cindy lives across the street from her cousin. consequently the two have developed a warm relationship.
-- marijuana should be legalized. one of the reasons is that it serves as a pain killer for headaches, cramps, and other routine ailments, and has been used as such for thousands of years.
逻辑错误通常可以分为两种:形式逻辑错误(formal fallacies)和内容逻辑错误(material fallacies)。形式逻辑错误来源于三段论推理形式的错误,这类错误违反三段论推理的原则,即推理的前提与结论之间缺乏必要的逻辑形式关系;而内容逻辑错误涉及推理的内容,即推理的前提本身不正确或不准确。上面我们分析的长者华纳的四种逻辑错误都是属于内容逻辑错误。在谈逻辑错误之前,我们必须了解逻辑的基本类型和形式。下面我们简单介绍归纳与演绎推理、三段论的推理形式。