n liu xiang stood up on the award platform, he was wearing a coronet, which made by olive branch. does this green olive branch stand for the "green olympic"? olive branch is the symbol of peace, and the olympic game is the carrier of the "peace". we should not just simply think, "no war is the meaning of peace". "nature and human beings living in harmony" is also the root meaning of "peace". "save the resource, protect the environment", this kind action of pursuing "nature and human beings living in harmony", is the way that shows the core of the olympian spirit. so we say, peace is the spirit of olympic, olympic is the carrier of peace, and "green olympic" means that we are standing in a higher platform to seek the peace.
so the "green olympic" should be started from every little things in our daily life, start form me, from the people that around me. express the spirit of olympic, publicize the theme of "green olympic", and let beijing really reaches the "green olympic" in 2008. this is the responsibility of anyone who loves peace. and it is also the responsibility of our beijing high school students!
thank you!
september 11, 2005, in beijing
绿色奥运是北京2008 年奥运会的三大理念之一。为此×××政府无论是在环境的治理、绿化的建设、生态的保护、循环经济和水资源的保护与利用,都做了大量的工作。但实现"绿色奥 运"仅仅靠政府行为是远远不够的,作为北京的中学生更应该积极的投身到"绿色奥运"的建设与宣传当中去。从我做起,从我的家庭做起,从我身边的朋友、同学 做起。
2001年,当前国际奥委会主席萨马兰奇在莫斯科高声宣读:"beijing, china"的时候,作为一个北京人,一个中国人,我发自心底的为我们的祖国,我们的首都感到高兴。但在高兴之余,那灰蒙蒙的天空,那漫天的沙尘暴,那污 绿的护城河,那见不到一丝绿色的街道,又使我深为北京能否在2008年成功办好奥运而感到担心。
四年之后的今天,一年之中有了229天湛蓝的 天空,那滚滚的黄尘也早已不见,那一群群久违的野鸭也在春天飞回了北京的什刹海,街道也被绿色装点的生机勃勃。这一切不知不觉的变化都在回答着我,北京一 定能办好2008年的奥运!而所有这些变化不仅仅是×××政府的努力,更是在政府领导下的无数×××民们努力的结果。作为这一千多万普通×××民的一员, 我也在为我们的绿色奥运贡献出自己的一份力量。
以前我曾有个习惯,每天早晚冲澡两次,而且冲洗时间特别长,很浪费水。一天,我在北京日报上看 到了一则关于北京水资源短
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