MC: 我们现在有请双方家长与亲朋好友上台来向大家敬酒。特别是新郎的兄弟团。
(Parents, families and friends stream to the stage. When all are ready…)
MC: 请大家站起来举起手中的杯子,以三声’饮胜’来祝贺这对新人永结同心,白头偕老…最重要的是…
MC: 早生贵子!(Together)
Brothers to take over microphone
YAM…SENG… (3x)
MC: Thank you. Please be seated.
MC: 谢谢! 请各位就座。
End of Dinner (10.45pm)
MC: Dear guests, we have now come to the end of the wedding banquet. Thank you all very much for your presence tonight. We hoped you have all enjoyed the dinner and may you have a pleasant evening. Thank you!
MC: 天下无不散的宴席。今晚的婚宴已到了尾声。非常感谢您的莅临。祝各位晚安!