SCC Annual Dinner 2014
2014 年会主持人串词
Tina: Dear Leaders, distinguished guests, friends and colleagues, good evening!
LEO:我是主持人Leo from BU4
Tina:I am Tina Gong from HR.
LEO: 今天大家在这里汇聚一堂,参加SCC2014年新年晚会!
Tina: Today we travel across distances to have a joyous gathering and greet the approach of the new year.
LEO:我们在这里相约,在 、在苏州吴江。
Tina: We get together in 2014 annual dinner to bid farewell to the old and usher in the new.
Tina: 2013 is filled with wonderful stories. We enjoyed happiness together while spared no efforts to work towards the common goal.
Tina: Looking back on the past year, all of us worked hard day in and day out to build a stronger and better .
LEO:2013年对我们 公司也是意义重大的一年。在过去的这一年,我们的工厂从广州逐步迁至吴江,招才纳士群英汇集,为 注入了更多的新鲜血液。
Tina: Thanks to the concerted efforts of everyone here, is relocating from Guangzhou to Wujiang. At the approach of the new year 2014, Carbon Technology (Suzhou)is walking to a brighter future .
L: ,是我们相聚在这里的缘分,也是我们共同奋斗的理想。在这个团聚之夜,让我们一起放飞祝福和理想。
Tina: Now I announce, 2014 Annual Dinner begins!
let’s warmly welcome Mr.Purkart to deliver a speech!
Tina: Mr. speech is a lighthouse leading everyone here to a brighter future.
We firmly believe that with the guidance of
Management team and with the diligence of all staff, will surely acquire more competiti
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