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○  英国首相布朗新年致辞(英文版)  ○

  we are determined to reduce the deficit at a responsible pace, without choking off the recovery or damaging the frontline services the mainstream majority rely on. and so our strategy is to go for growth, because we want to build our country up, not talk britain down. later this week we will be publishing the first part of our prosperity plan for a successful, fairer and more responsible britain: a plan detailing how we will invest in the industries and jobs of the future. from high speed rail to aerospace to the digital economy to clean energy to advanced manufacturing. 20xx is when we will get britain moving forward again.
  and we will continue our relentless reform of public services to ensure they always deliver the best for you and your family- not uniform services, but personal services, tailored to your need and your aspirations. so whether creating a national care service for the elderly, giving a guarantee of early cancer diagnosis or driving up standards in primary schools with more one-to-one tuition and compulsory modern languages, we will always ensure you get the individual, excellent services you need to make the most of life.
  and i know that those who work hard each and every day for everything they get were rightly appalled at some of the abuse of mps’ expenses. so i am determined that this year we will renew faith in our democracy with constitutional reform.
  and we can all be proud that at the g20 britain was able to negotiate a worldwide deal that secured british jobs. that was a direct result of the government choosing internationalism over isolationism - and it is this strategy that means we are also able to cooperate with president obama on non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, and with our european neighbours and others on defeating catastrophic climate change.
  so those are my priorities. my belief is that this is going to be a great decade for a great nation. if we continue to make the right decisions to

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