作为一个年轻的魔术师 我沉迷于霍迪尼和他在水下屏气挑战。 孩童时候,我就开始与其他的孩子们比试, 看可以在水下待多久, 当他们得反复探头出水面呼吸, 大概5次之多,我却可以一直待在水下,完全不需要换气。。 当我是青少年的时候 我已经可以水下屏气达3分30秒之久, 后来我才发现那就是霍迪尼的个人纪录。
In 1987 I heard of a story about a boy that fell through ice and was trapped under a river. He was underneath, not breathing for 45 minutes. When the rescue workers came they resuscitated him and there was no brain damage. His core temperature had dropped to 77 degrees. As a magician, I think everything is possible. And I think if something is done by one person it can be done by others. I started to think, if the boy could survive without breathing for that long, there must be a way that I could do it.
在1987年,我听说了一个故事, 一个男孩掉进冰封的河里, 困于河底。 他45分钟内没有呼吸。 当救援人员赶到 抢救并唤醒他时,发现他并没有脑损伤, 他的心脏温度降至77度。 作为一个魔术师,我相信一切皆有可能。 我认为如果某个人可以做到某件事, 那么任何人都可以做到。 我开始思索,如果这个男孩 可以如此长时间不呼吸而活下来, 那么必定有某种途径让我也可以做到。
So, I met with a top neurosurgeon. And I asked him, how long is it possible to go without breathing, like how long could I go without air? And he said to me that anything over six minutes you have a serious risk of hypoxic brain damage. So, I took that as a challenge, basically. (Laughter) My first try, I figured that I could do something similar, and I created a water tank, and I filled it with ice and freezing cold water. And I stayed inside of that water tank hoping my core temperature would start to drop. And I was shivering. In my first attempt to hold my breath I couldn't even last a minute. So, I realized that was completely not going to work.
于是我找了最好的神经科医师, 问他人若是不呼吸最长支撑多久, 也就是哪怕连空气都没有我能撑多