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○  TED英文演讲稿:谈转变心态的珠峰游(附翻译)  ○

the cells in my fingers had frozen and expandedand burst.

  我记得当我从水里出来时 我的手时如此的疼痛 然后我看着我的手指, 我的手指真的像香肠一样粗,因为--你们知道了,我们身体一部分由水组成 -- 当水结冰时会膨胀, 这样我手指的里细胞 就冷冻了,膨胀了炸裂了。And the most immediate thought when I came out of that water was the following: I'm never, ever going to do another cold water swim in my life again.我从水里上岸的一瞬间的想法 时这样的: 我一生中 再也再也不要去在冰冷的水里游泳了。

  Anyway, last year, I heard about the Himalayas and the melting of the -- (Laughter) and the melting of the glaciers because of climate change.就这样,去年,我听到了喜马拉雅山 以及那里融化的--(笑) 因为气候变化 所融化的冰川。

  I heard about this lake, Lake Imja.我听说了这个湖泊,映佳湖。

  This lake has been formed in the last couple of years because of the melting of the glacier.这个湖是几年前 由于冰川融化所形成的。

  The glacier's gone all the way up the mountain and left in its place this big lake.这些冰川顺山而下 然后在这里留下了这个大湖。

  And I firmly believe that what we're seeing in the Himalayas is the next great, big battleground on this earth.由此我坚信 我要去看见的喜马拉雅 就是我下一个在地球上的 战场。

  Nearly two billion people -- so one in three people on this earth -- rely on the water from the Himalayas.将近20亿的人口 -- 世界上三分之一的地球人口 -- 依靠着喜马拉雅山的水源。

  And with a population increasing as quickly as it is, and with the water supply from these glaciers -- because of climate change --decreasing so much, I think we have a real risk of instability.而世界人口照这个速度发展下去, 而冰川水源的提供 -- 由于气候的变化 --下降的如此之快, 我像我们就有了一个十分不稳定的威胁。

  North, you've got China; south, you've India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, all these countries.北方,我们由中国;南方,我们有印度,巴基斯坦,孟加拉, 和其它所有国家。

  And so I decided to walk up to Mt. Everest, the highest mountain on this earth, and go and do a symbolic swim underneath the summit of Mt. Everest.这样我决定了 登上珠峰, 地球上的最高峰, 如何在珠峰下 游一次具有象征意义的泳。

  Now, I don't know if any of you have had the opportunity to go to Mt. Everest, but it's quite an ordeal getting up there.我不知道,你们是否有机会去珠峰, 但是要去那的话,是一个考验。

  28 great, big, powerful ya

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