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○  杨洁篪在21世纪理事会北京会议上的演讲  ○

发展的快车道,全球 30多亿人正在同步推进工业化并分享现代化成果,有力推动人类进步事业向更高层次迈进。科学技术突飞猛进,世界正处在新一轮科技革命的前夜,新的增长点正在孕育。尽管国际金融危机的深层次影响还在继续显现,但世界大发展的态势没有停滞、更不会逆转。各国普遍将谋发展置于各自内外政策的重要位置,如何实现更好发展日益成为牵动国际关系的重要因素。

  Today's world is one of rapid development. Many emerging markets and developing countries have embarked on the fast track of development. More than three billion people across the world are pursuing industrialization simultaneously and sharing the benefits of modernization, effectively elevating the cause of human progress to a higher level. With rapid advancement in science and technology, the world is on the eve of a new round of scientific and technological revolution with new growth areas being created. Despite the lingering profound impacts of the international financial crisis, the world has not stopped pursuing development, still less will this course be reversed. It has become a common practice for countries to place development high on their domestic and foreign policy agenda. To realize development of higher quality has become an increasingly important factor in international relations.


  Today's world is one of reform with growing momentum. The international balance of power is moving towards greater equilibrium. Deep changes are brewing in the international system. The representation and voice of emerging markets and developing countries in international affairs have been raised. Mechanisms of global governance such as the G20 have gradually taken shape and are steadily improving. What has happened shows that there is no such thing as a "one-size-fits-all" development model in the world. We must keep abreast of the times, actively explore and improve development paths suited to our respective national conditions and pursue incremental progress in adjusting and reforming the

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