“oh,” but you say, “didn’t he have any capital?” yes, a penknife, but i don’t know that he had paid for that.
i spoke thus to an audience in new britain, connecticut, and a lady four seats back went home and tried to take off her collar, and the collar-button stuck in the buttonhole. she threw it out and said, “i am going to get up something better than that to put on collars.” her husband said: “after what conwell said to-night, you see there is a need of an improved collar-fastener that is easier to handle. there is a human need; there is a great fortune. now, then, get up a collar-button and get rich.” he made fun of her, and consequently made fun of me, and that is one of the saddest things which comes over me like a deep cloud of midnight sometimes-although i have worked so hard for more than half a century, yet how little i have ever really done. notwithstanding the greatness and the handsomeness of your compliment to-night, i do not believe there is one in ten of you that is going to make a million of dollars because you are here to-night; but it is not my fault, it is yours. i say that sincerely. what is the use of my talking if
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