with regards to your questions, being in a man's world. that isn't how you asked it, but that is how you meant it. actually i am very delighted to see so many young women here today. it is true that there are still mostly meetings that i go to where i am the only one. so i learned to love men and get along with men very well, but one thing i know. only you know inside, what you are capable of. i said in my speech, "know your own power, know your own potential, and do not let anyone take that away from you." that is not arrogance. it is not hubris, it is not pride. but you cannot unlock the potential in other, unless you know the potential and power in yourself.
i think leadership and success take the right balance between confidence, and humility. the confidence to know you can make a difference, the confidence to know you can make a contribution, the confidence to know that you have capability an power can and the humility to know that you can't do it all by yourself, you don't know every answer and you do need help. don't let anyone tell you you cannot do something. anyone can do something if they really want to do it. and so if someone says you can't do it, because you're a woman, because you don't have the right something. if someone says you can't do it - let that be their problem, not yours. don't take it inside, you know what you can do. do what you want to do.
q: thank you. my question is about my problem. i am not very interested in my major. i will have more problems if i stay in my major. but to make a change is very difficult. it is very difficult to give up what we have now, i have studied in my major for more than two years. and my parents don't want me to quit. so what i learned from your speech that you hav