ple of a republic" 28franklin delano roosevelt"the arsenal of democracy"mp3 stream29ronald wilson reagan"the evil empire"mp3 stream30ronald wilson reaganfirst inaugural addressmp3 stream31franklin delano rooseveltfirst fireside chatmp3 stream32harry s. truman"the truman doctrine"mp3 stream33william cuthbert faulknernobel prize acceptance speechmp3 stream34eugene victor debs1918 statement to the court 35hillary rodham clinton"women's rights are human rights" 36dwight david eisenhower"atoms for peace"mp3 stream37john fitzgerald kennedyamerican university commencement addressmp338dorothy ann willis richards1988 dnc keynote addressmp339richard milhous nixonresignation speechmp340woodrow thomas wilson"the fourteen points" 41margaret chase smith"declaration of conscience" 42franklin delano roosevelt"the four freedoms"mp343martin luther king, jr."a time to break silence"mp344mary church terrell"what it means to be colored in the...u.s." 45william jennings bryan"against imperialism"real audio stream46margaret higgins sanger"the morality of birth control" 47barbara pierce bush1990 wellesley college commencement addressmp348john fitzgerald kennedycivil rights addressmp349john fitzgerald kennedycuban missile crisis addressmp350spiro theodore agnew"television news coverage"mp3 w51jesse louis jackson1988 dnc addressmp3.1 mp3.252mary fisher"a whisper of aids"mp353lyndon baines johnson"the great society"mp3 stream54george catlett marshall"the marshall plan"mp3
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