55edward moore kennedy"truth and tolerance in america"mp356adlai ewing stevensonpresidential nomination acceptance address 57anna eleanor roosevelt"the struggle for human rights" 58geraldine anne ferrarovice-presidential nomination acceptance speechmp359robert marion la follette"free speech in wartime" 60ronald wilson reagan40th anniversary of d-day addressmp361mario mathew cuomo"religious belief and public morality" 62edward moore kennedy"chappaquiddick"mp363john llewellyn lewis"the rights of labor" 64barry morris goldwaterpresidential nomination acceptance addressmp365stokely carmichael"black power" 66hubert horatio humphrey1948 dnc address 67emma goldmanaddress to the jury 68carrie chapman catt"the crisis" 69newton norman minow"television and the public interest"real audio stream70edward moore kennedyeulogy for robert francis kennedymp3 stream71anita faye hillstatement to the senate judiciary committeemp372woodrow thomas wilsonleague of nations final address 73henry louis ("lou") gehrigfarewell to baseball addressmp374richard milhous nixoncambodian incursion addressmp375carrie chapman cattaddress to the u.s. congress sw76edward moore kennedy1980 dnc addressmp377lyndon baines johnsonon vietnam and not seeking re-electionmp378franklin delano rooseveltcommonwealth club address 79woodrow thomas wilsonfirst inaugural address 80mario savio"an end to history" 81elizabeth glaser1992 dnc addressmp382eugene victor debs"the issue"
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