1993 east asian miracle,oxford university press. 徐滇庆 (2004) 长城金融研究通报第238期。 杨小凯 (2004)杨小凯:土地私有制与宪政共和的关系, 收于杨小凯文集, http://www.gongfa.com/yangxiaokaiwenji.dwt ;。 张晓山和崔红志(2003)关键是调整国民收入分配格局--农民增收问题之我见,农业经济问题 , http://www.nongyou.org/library/zhangxsh/zhangxsh4.html ;。 张晓山 (2004)解决三农问题的新思路新举措,中国青年报 ,2月22日。 张宇燕 时红秀 李增刚 (2004)中国农村的社区型企业--以辽宁省海城市东三道村为例, 尚未发表的工作论文。 周其仁 ,2004。城市化、农地转让权和征地制度改革,北京大学中国经济研究中心有关中国征地制度改革国际研讨会主题报告,2月27日,刊于ccer政策性研究简报2004年第4期(总420期)。 abstract the main argument for the existing communal land tenure system is equity. by keeping the communal ownership while privatizing land use rights, despite the remaining efficiency loss,this land tenure system allegedly could protect farmers from losing their land, and from getting worsening in income distribution in the wake of dismantling the commune system. however, the recently released research results evidence that farmers income in general, and that of the grain-growing farmers in particular, have been deteriorating significantly relative to urban population. the rich farmers are reportedly migrating to urban areas, leaving poor farmers behind. obvious, the equity argument used in justifying the current land tenure system is not valid. this paper argues that the communal ownership of land is one of the remaining institutional barriers that contribute to the relative impoverishment of farmers. under this system, the operation scale of a typical farm is determined by a households population share in a village. not owning land, they also cannot use it as credit collaterals. with difficulty in their access to both land and loans for the purpose of production expansion or production restructuring, how can one expect farmers to increase their income as fast as urban population who have access to all the factors of production? the reason that the grain-growing farmers are doing even worse among all the farmers lies in the fact that the former need much bigg
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