er operation scale than say that of vegetable-growing farmers. however, under the current land system, they have similar amount of land despite the fact that they can only grow two crops a year in most areas, but the vegetable-growing farmers can grow more than 10 crops within the same period. obviously, the current land tenure system is incompatible with market principle and makes it hard for chinese farmers to fully benefit from economic growth by depriving them of access to land and credits. now that evidences show that the current land system fails to deliver equity to farmers relative to urban population, there is no reason not to reform this system that is inefficient anyway. give the rapid urbanization and industrialization that helps absorb more than 10 million rural people a year, the emergence of a growing poor and landless population is very unlikely. actually, the current land system is more likely driving the most capable and entrepreneurial farmers away from farming sectors through the reverse elimination. if not reformed, this system will only trap the poor and less entrepreneurial farmers in the rural areas. not only the farmers income will lag farther and farther behind the national average, but chinas agriculture and rural areas will also gradually lose vitality. it is high time that china started experimenting with land privatization and promoting it nationwide as soon as possible so that china can keep best of its farmers who not only have equal opportunity to share prosperity but also are competitive in the global market. ----------------------------------- 本文初稿曾在2004年3月克莱芒大学研究生院举办的中国经济研讨会,中国法律经济协会于2004年5月8日召开三农问题研讨会,中国社会科学院农发所2004年6月18日的讨论会,以及留美经济学会与社科院经济所2004年6月19-21日以大力发展民营经济为题的国际研讨会上得到与会者的批评、指正。在此谨向冯毅、林双林、陈志武、张晓山,党国英,李成贵,谭秋成,胡必亮,李稻葵 和其他与会者致谢。笔者对本文尚存的一切错误负责。 对于一些地方的乡村干部鱼肉农民,引起民怨沸腾(朱熔基语)的真实写照,参见当代2003年第6期陈桂棣和春桃执笔的题为中国农民调查的长篇报告。 约翰逊教授认为根据官方数字计算的这种结果有误导性。根据他本人的计算
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