ding the basic format for each of these different types of sources will enable the researcher to more independently locate materials in the law library.
a. 案件双方当事人姓名(the names of the parties involved in the lawsuit);
b. 包含案件全文的汇编卷号( the volume number of the reporter containing the full text of the case);
c. 该案例汇编的缩写名称(the abbreviated name of that case reporter);
d. 案例开始的页码数(the page number on which the case begins);
e. 案件判决年份(the year the case was decided);有时还包括
f. 案件判决法院(the name of the court deciding the case)。
举例说明: Hebb v. Severson, 201 P.2d 156 (Wash. 1948). 在这个例子当中,Hebb是原告(plaintiff),Severson 是被告(defendant)。 我们可以在《太平洋汇编》第二辑201卷第156页(volume 201 of the Pacific Reporter Second Series beginning on page 156)找到这一案例。该案是由华盛顿州最高法院(Washington State Supreme Court)于1948年判决的。
二、 如何阅读案例(cases)之中的citation?
确定卷宗号之中的缩略码。请对照下列列表,找出缩略码(abbreviation)的汇编全称(full reporter title).
Abbreviation Title 汉语汇编名称
A. Atlantic Reporter 大西洋汇编
A. 2d. Atlantic Reporter, 2d Series 大西洋汇编第二辑
Cal. Rep. California Reporter 加利福尼亚州汇编
F. Federal Reporter 联邦汇编
F. 2d. Federal Reporter, 2d Series 联邦汇编第二辑
F. 3d. Federal Reporter, 3d Series 联邦汇编第三辑
F. Supp. Federal Supplement 联邦补充案例
L. Ed. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Lawyers’ Edition 美国最高法院案例汇编,律师版
L. Ed. 2d. U.S. Supreme Court Decisions, Lawyers Edition, 2d Series 美国最高法院案例汇编,律师版第二辑
N. E. Northeastern Reporter 东北汇编
N. E. 2d. Northeastern Reporter, 2d Series 东北汇编第二辑
N. W. Northwestern Reporter 西北汇编
N. W. 2d. Northwestern Reporter, 2d Series 西北汇编第二辑
N. Y. S. New York Supplement 纽约补充案例
N. Y. S. 2d. New York Supplement, 2d Series 纽约补充案例第二辑
P. Pacific Reporter 太平洋汇编
P. 2d. Pacific Reporter, 2d Series 太平洋汇编第二辑
S. Ct. Supreme Court Reporter 最高法院案例汇编
S. E. Southeastern Reporter 东南汇编
S. E. 2d. Southeastern Reporter, 2d Series 东南汇编第二辑
So. Southern Reporter 南方汇编
So. 2d. Southern Reporter, 2d Series 南方汇编第二辑
S. W. Southwestern Reporter 西南汇
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