blin, 1994
9, J.G.Merrills, Human Rights in Europe, Manchester University Press, 2001
10, Darcy S. Binder, The European Court of Justice and the Protection of Fundamental Rights in the European Community,
11, J.H.H. Weiler & Sybilla C. Fries, A Human Rights Policy for the European Community and Union: The Question of Competences
12, Leslie Friedman Goldstein & Cornel Ban, The Rule of Law and the European Human Rights Regime
13, J Weiler Does the European Union truly need a Charter of rights? At 1-2, 6 ELJ, editorial, 2000
The new draft named “Draft Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe”; it will be still a treaty.
See Preamble of TUE, also of the draft Constitution
Accordingly, the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of the human is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world, however, the irrationality of the public organs bring the most danger to the human right, WWII for instance. And in this article, I do not distinguish the definition between Human Rights and Fundamental Rights, in a broad sense they have no definitely differences.
The European Council adopted in Laeken December 2001, see
See also the forum on draft constitution in internet:
Related international agreement includes: The International Covenant on Civil and Politic Rights of 19 December 1966, The International Covenant on Economic, Convention on Social and Cultural Rights of 19 December 1966 etc.
At the 1948 Congress of Europe in The Hague, representatives of European States came together with the aim of establishing an organization in which all of them would cooperate to construct a region where democracy and human rights would be safeguarded.
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