以 外,在管理,营销上也通过不断创新来满足客户价值,以保持企业的强势品牌. what is called characteristics is competition of differences, only ceaseless innovation can keep difference. besides technical innovation of products, huan also satisfies her clients with ceaseless innovation on management and marketing to keep strong brand of enterprise. 在管理上,人认为电缆行业是一个规模化生产的企业,只有通过集约管理,才能控 制各环节的浪费,降低生产成本,提高产品质量和生产效率,从而与消费者共享科技管理所 带来的利益,也就是说,人主张技术进一步,价格让一步 . on management, huan people think cable industry is of scale production, only intensive management can control the wastes of all sectors, depress costs and improve quality and efficiency, so to share the benefits of scientific management with clients. that is improve in technique and concede in price claimed by huan people. 在营销上,健全的营销网络,永远是人的法宝.营销网络对于企业品牌就象神经网 络对于人脑一样重要,好的营销决策与产品只有通过健全,通畅的网络渠道,才可以接触更 多的消费者,获取更多的赢利机会.电缆 100 多个销售分公司遍及全国各地,并已形成 了自己固定的客户群.为电力,石油,铁路,煤碳,化工,通讯,冶金,建筑等领域提供各 类电线电缆.近几年来,的国际贸易也得到了快速的发展,为成为世界的电缆专业 生产基地打下了坚实的基础. on marketing, a sound network is always the trump of huan people. marketing network is to brand as neural networks is to man. only through a sound and clear channel, good products and marketing policies can meet more consumers and win more chances. over 100 marketing filiales of huan etend all over the country and have formed their own immovable client circle, they provide all kinds of cable & wire for trades like electric power, petroleum, railway, coal, chemical, communication, metallurgy and architecture, etc. in the last few years, international trade of huan has also developed quickly, that established firm basis for huan to be the international production base of cable. 服务与文化,是品牌之信 服务与文化, service and culture is the faith of brand 在人眼中, 服务不是产品的修修补补, 是在人提供有形产品所附加的无形价值, 是之信的充分体现. 的服务不是停留在满足客户对服务需求的层面, 人的服务 是变被动服务为主动服务, 主要表现在售前的知识服务, 售后的跟踪服务和回访服务. 顾 在 客至上,持续改进的经营理念指导下,在内抓好五检制的质量过程控制,为客户提供 最优质产品;在外以建立统一服务规范,极大改善企业与客户间的关系,为企业赢得良好口 碑. in the eyes of huan people, service is not the patching up of products, but the additional imm
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