he took the bible, and proudly read, “‘the love of money is the root of all evil.’” then he had it right, and when one does quote aright from that same old book he quotes the absolute truth. i have lived through fifty years of the mightiest battle that old book has ever fought, and i have lived to see its banners flying free; for never in the history of this world did the great minds of earth so universally agree that the bible is true-all true-as they do at this very hour.
so i say that when he quoted right, of course he quoted the absolute truth. “the love of money is the root of all evil.” he who tries to attain unto it too quickly, or dishonestly, will fall into many snares, no doubt about that. the love of money. what is that? it is making an idol of money, and idolatry pure and simple every where is condemned by the holy scriptures and by man’s common sense. the man that worships the dollar instead of thinking of the purposes for which it ought to be used, the man who
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