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○  russell conwell : acres of diamonds  ○

ot be taken if i am not an expert. my father kept a country store, and if there is any place under the stars where a man gets all sorts of experience in every kind of mercantile transactions, it is in the country store. i am not proud of my experience, but sometimes when my father was away he would leave me in charge of the store, thought fortunately for him that was not very often. but this did occur many times, friends: a man would come onto the store, and say to me, “do you keep jack-knives?” “no we don’t keep jack-knives,” and i went off whistling a tune. what did i care about that man, anyhow?

then another farmer would come in and say, “do you keep jack-knives?” “no, we don’t keep jack-knives.” then i went away and whistled another tune. then a third man came right in the same door and said, “do you keep jack-knives?” “no. why is every one around here asking for jack-knives? do you suppose we are keeping this store to supply the whole neighborhood with jack-knives?” do you carry on your store like that in philadelphia? the difficulty was i had not then learned that the foundation of godliness and the foundation principle of success in business are both the same precisely. the man who says, “i cannot carry my religion into business” advertises himself either as being an imbecile in business, or on the road to bankruptcy, or a thief, one of the three, sure. he will fail within a very few years. he certainly will if he doesn’t carry his religion into business. if i had been carrying on my father’s store on a christian plan, godly plan, i would have had a jack-knife for the third man when he called for it. then i would have actually done him a kindness, and i would have received a reward myself, which it would have been my duty to take.

there are some over-pious christian people who think if you take any profit on anything you sell that you are an unrighteous man. on the contrary, you would be a criminal to sell goods for less than they cost. you have n

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