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○  有头脑的人的选择  ○

rstand that the poor rushee had never smoked before. in the excitement of the moment she was only concerned with being accepted.
  then there is the girl who is seated in a group, not knowing what to do with her hands. first, she rolls and unrolls the curl behind her left ear; then she rummages in her purse for some article to wave as a prop. an inspiration flashes, and she remembers the package of kents in her coat pocket. why didn't she think of them before? she always did think women who smoked looked mature. what a convenient prop to have brought along. convenient? yes, sophisticated? no. years ago, a woman was thought sophisticated if she knew how to smoke. men were impressed. but today the picture is changing, as everyone knows how to smoke─age eleven or up. perhaps now the novelty should be the nonsmoker?
  now i ask you. is a woman charming if she can sit with her hands folded gracefully in her lap, or is she more charming while fidgeting with one cigarette after another? and you men specifically─which do you prefer─the lady who needs no props to have poise, or the lady who thinks a cigarette makes her more alluring to you? take a good look at a woman sometime when she is inhaling. she drags hard, makes a puckering noise with her lips, tosses her head back drawing a deep breath─then bellows the smoke out like the gust from a rocket launching. she may even go so far as to blow smoke rings for you. is she dainty? is she feminine?
  the power of suggestion is another strong motivating factor in our lives. haven't you watched someone yawn and suddenly felt your own mouth gape open. you let the power of suggestion get the best of you; and before you realized it, you, too, were yawning. now, couldn't this same power induce you to smoke? why not, especially through the medium of advertising.
  i am reminded of a "mostly malarky" cartoon that i recently clipped out of the chicago tribune. malarky strolled into a drugstore. standing be

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