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humanitarianism in a taie of two cities of dickens
zhang xiao-jie
( 7l language department,jinan university, mn 250022,ch/na)
abstract:wi出the french revolution as山e background.a tale of two cities reveals the evils of the feudal aristo.
erats from the point of view of tl1e bourgeois humanitarianism.as a bourgeois humanist. dickens was aware of the so.
cial contradiction and desires the common people to get away from oppression
, but he was against violent revolution。
wishing some of the enlightened rulers could reform.at the same time, he realized that the revolution,which was the
tendency of history,was inevitable.it reflected the contradiction in his thoughts.not limited to the category of morali—
ty,dickens human itarianism also was his weapon to animadvert on the darkness of the reality.
key words:dickens;french revolution;humanitarianism ;contradiction
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