knowledge from medicine and printing,to mathematics and astronomy.discoveries on which so much of the whole world progress is based.and i want to see more of the new nation you are building on a scale even the emperors could not have foreseen.
china that gave us printing,now boastss fax machines,computers and cell phones.xi’an is home to film makers,internet explorers,business people of every in this city,
famous for calligraphy,a new chapter in china’s story is being written.
we americans admire your accomplishments,your economy,your hard work,creativity and vision,your efforts against hunger and poverty,your work with us on peace and stability in korea and south asia.a new day is dawning for the chinese people.for china’s greatness lies as always with its people.
our own history has convinced americans that the greatness of any country is measured in its people,in their shared reverence for family and community,for work and learning,and in their
individual thoughts,beliefs,and creativity.
in this global information age where both economic growth and individual opportunity are based on ideas,a commitment to providing all human beings the opportuni 1 2 下一页