ion Board of Ireland ( )
Alan Buckley
Commercial Counsellor
On the occasion of the China International Education Exhibition Tour Spring 2006, the Cultural Office of the Italian Embassy in Beijing takes the opportunity to congratulate the organizers of the exhibition and all the participants to the event.
We are honored to be able to take part in such an important event and send our best wishes of success for the fruitful links that are going to be established.
In 2006, Year of Italy in China, we have chosen the cities of Beijing and Shanghai but we are confident that in the future we will be able to extent our presence to various other Chinese cities, all equally important in this vast country.
On behalf of the Italian universities we also wish to extent our congratulations and wishes for a further success in educational, cultural and scientific exchange between our two Countries.
Cultural Office
The Italian Embassy in Beijing
在此我们想特别介绍一下塞万提斯学院的设立.这是一个1991年在西班牙创立的官方组织, 旨在全世界推广西班牙语教学,并与二十多个以西班牙语作为官方语言的国家合作,传播西班牙语文化.今年是塞万提斯学院建院15周年,近期在北京开设分院的准备工作也在完成中,力图借此推动西班牙语言和文化,加强同中国教育文化机构的合作.
西班牙位于欧洲西南部, 作为该地区的中心,其位置具有重要的战略意义.西班牙与拉丁美洲国家语言相同,在传统观念上和历史上都有密切的联系,因此它也成为链接欧洲,拉丁美洲和中国的理想桥梁.西班牙的高校和各种教育项目质量上乘,价格合理,具有国际水准,并得到世界范围的认可.此外,西班牙还因其良好的课程安排,友好的氛围,引人入胜的历史和文化背景而被誉为理想的学习深造之地.不但如此,西班牙还可以提供用世界上应用最广泛的语言之一的西班牙语讲授的课程.在西班牙独一无二的环境中获得学习经验将使人终生受益.
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