nvest your energy to increase the results you get in return for your investment.
SKAR Development FormulaSpecialized Knowledge + Authority positioning + tangible Results = huge growth opportunities and faster development within your career or business.
DefinitionsSpecialized Knowledge = Specific knowledge that is practical, functional and very niche specific to the area within you work or the skill or ability you rely on to perform well. Specialized knowledge exists whether you are an airplane pilot, hedge fund analyst, or third party marketer. The difference between having specialized knowledge or not could mean the difference between spending 18 months to complete a task or project or being able to development strong client relationships and complete the same task in just 3 months. It lets you identify more opportunities, move more quickly on them, and execute with efficiency when once multiplied over several years puts you within a different league of competition. Some ideas on how you can further develop your specialized knowledge include:
1. Read two books/month for the next two years on the area of specialized knowledge which is going to benefit your business or career most.
2. Subscribe to 3 of the best newsletters from blogs or experts in your industry which are NOT re-hashed press releases and garbage news. You learn close to nothing from reading the news - read insights, analyses and white papers within these newsletters instead. There are at least 2-3 valuable free newsletters in each industry.
3. Complete a niche training and certification program specific to your area of specialized knowledge. Having a third party verify that you have obtained a certain level of specialized knowledge is ALWAYS going to be more credible than, I like to read books and email newsletters, here is what I have read lately. Seek out an online certification program and start one within 6 months, this will force you to read and l
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