earn more within your niche.
4. Write one article a week on your thoughts, best practices, and lessons learned within your niche area of practice. Write anonymously by creating a free blog at Blogger.com and start synthesizing what you are learning and combining other ideas to create your own original concepts (such as this blog post).
Authority Positioning = Creating structures around your firm or self so that your knowledge and abilities are communicated in a way that positions you as an authority in your niche area. Ideally this area lines up 1-to-1 with your area of specialized knowledge and it can be the result of gathering this knowledge. Two professionals can hold the same knowledge though, while one write 5 books and completes over 50 press interviews a year the other may be an arm chair critic with a small group of 5-7 consulting clients. The more well positioned professional will reap rewards from new opportunities coming towards him instead of the other way around. I was a competitive swimmer earlier in my life and the best book I read on swimming was called "Swimming Downhill" it was a way to swim so that your body is tilted forward and you literally cut continually downwards into the water. If you get Authority Positioning right it will be like you are swimming downhill. Jeffrey Gitomer is a great study of authority positioning, he started writing 8 pages a day when he was 46 years old, now in his fifties he has over 10 best selling books, and charges more than Colin Powell for speeches - the real important detail though is he NEVER cold calls anyone and never scrambles for new business. His phone literally rings off the hook with new opportunities, clients, and join venture partnerships due to his positioning, he is swimming down a steep hill.
1.Publish your own newsletter or blog - even if you only publish something once every 2 weeks, having it and building it over time is what is important.
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