ive and accurate manner under any circumstances, that full support must be given to the chief executive and the sar government in their administration under thelaw, and that effective efforts must be made to strengthen the broad-based unity of the hong kong people under the banner of loving the country and loving hong kong, and to maintain a stable and harmonious society and a prosperous and growing economy in hong kong. as long as we persist in so doing, we will surely surmount all difficulties on the road to progress and the cause of"one country, two systems" will surely achieve even greater successes. 从“一国两制”构想的提出,到这一构想在香港成功地付诸实践,经历了一个不平凡的过程。dxp先生是“一国两制”事业的奠基人,他以伟大政治家的智慧和胆略,创造性地提出了“一国两制”的科学构想,为完成祖国和平统一大业打开了切实可行的道路。解决香港问题的中英谈判,具有开创意义的香港特别行政区基本法的起草,都是在他的直接关心和指导下完成的。香港进入后过渡期,国际局势发生了重大变化,但我们始终坚持“一国两制”方针不动摇,有条不紊地完成了恢复对香港行使主权的各项工作,实现了香港的平稳过渡。回顾这段历程,我们深感香港今天的局面来之不易。祖国的日益发展强大,是香港顺利回归和回归后成功贯彻“一国两制”方针的根本保障,也是保持香港社会和经济长期稳定繁荣的坚强后盾。 from its inception to its successful implementation in hong kong, the concept of "one country, two systems" went through an extraordinary process. mr. deng xiaoping was the founder of this great cause. in a display of the wisdom, creativeness and bold vision of a towering statesman, he laid down this scientific concept and thus blazed a feasible way for the peaceful reunification of the motherland. it was under his personal attention and direct guidance that the china-uk negotiations on the settlement of the hong kong question and the drafting of the basic law of the hong kong special administrative region, which was of a trail-blazing significance, were brought to fruition. in the face of major changes in the international situation as hong kong entered the latter half of the transitional period, we persisted with the policy of "one country, two systems," systematically went about various preparations for the resumption of exercise of sovereignty over hong kong and achieved a smooth transition. in reviewing this process, we feel all the more stro
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