services to the public and society. the executive-led structure should be further strengthened. the executive, legislative and judicial offices should go about their respective terms of references in accordance with the basic law, and do a better job in ensuring the overall interests of the hong kong citizens and serving the hong kong society by following the demand for social progress and economic development. civil servants at all levels, especially ranking officials, should conscientiously submit themselves to and support the leadership ofthe chief executive, work with one heart and strive to achieve fresh successes. people from all walks of life should close ranks under the banner of loving the country and loving hong kong, support the work of the chief executive and the sar government andget to grips with solving some major issues bearing on the future social and economic development in hong kong. i am confident that as long as the sar government and hong kong residents could work together, giving full play to the talent of all social sectors while pooling the strength of the entire hong kong society, they will surely succeed in taking good care of hong kong. 第三,希望香港特别行政区政府和社会各界人士坚定信心,自强不息,努力开创香港经济发展的新局面。要始终高度重视香港的经济发展。香港经济过去的发展,都是香港同胞把握机遇,因应外部环境,发挥自身优势,自我调整和创新的结果。香港未来的经济发展,也仍然要靠特别行政区政府和社会各界人士不懈探索,奋力开拓。在当前情况下,既要正视香港经济存在的困难和问题,更要看到香港仍然拥有的许多优势。香港具有较强的经济实力和国际竞争力,高度自由开放的经济体制和比较完备的法律制度,以及良好的营商环境和广泛的国际市场联系。尤其重要的是,香港有一支素质较高的公务员队伍,有一大批成功的企业家和各行各业的优秀人才。这些都有利于香港在未来的竞争中赢得成功。祖国广阔的腹地、快速发展的经济和日益提高的国际地位,也必将为香港的发展提供得天独厚的有利条件。中央政府将继续支持和帮助香港恢复和发展经济。我相信,只要香港同胞发扬长期以来艰苦创业、勇于拼搏的优良传统,香港经济就一定能够不断焕发出新的生机和活力,就始终有着光明的发展前景。 third, i hope the sar government and the hong kong people in general will strengthen their confidence and work persistently towards a new economic landscape in hong kong. it is always important to watch hong kong's economy closely. hong kong's past economic successes were the results of hong kong people's ability to adjust and innovate, to seize the opportunities and t
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