g. to this end, i would like to express a few hopes. 第一,希望香港各界人士更好地适应香港回归后的发展形势,当好香港和我们伟大祖国的主人。香港回归一周年庆典时,我曾经说过,香港的回归是香港历史的一个重大转折,每个香港人,都在经受这一历史转折所带来的时代变化的检验。只有顺应这一历史转折,真正认识当家作主的责任,才能以主人翁的姿态去认真谋划香港的发展和未来。广大香港同胞不仅是香港特别行政区的主人,也是国家的主人,应该不断增强国家观念和民族意识,自觉维护祖国的安全和统一,维护祖国和民族的整体利益。实现中华民族的伟大复兴,最终完成祖国统一大业,是全体中华儿女的共同心愿。包括香港同胞在内的所有中国人,都应该自豪地投身这一伟大事业,努力作出无愧于祖国、无愧于民族、无愧于时代的贡献。 first, i hope the people of all circles in hong kong will do still a better job in adapting themselves to the new hong kong after 1997 and become better masters of hong kong, and of our great motherland too. at the first anniversary of hong kong's return, i said that this important turn of history had put every hong kong compatriot to a test, and only those who could comply with the historical changes and had a genuine understanding of their new responsibilities could seriously get down to the shapingof hong kong's future role as masters of their own house. our hongkong compatriots are not only masters of the hong kong sar, but also of the country. they should, therefore, keep enhancing their sense of the country and of the nation, make conscious efforts to safeguard the security and unification of the motherland and endeavor to defend its overall interests. the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation and the eventual reunification of the motherland is the common aspiration of all chinese. everyone, including our hong kong compatriots, should devote oneself to thislofty cause with contributions that will make the country, the nation and the times really proud. 第二,希望香港特别行政区行政、立法、司法机关不断提高施政和执法水平,更好地为社会为公众服务。要进一步落实行政主导体制,行政、立法、司法机关要按照香港特别行政区基本法的规定,各司其职,各负其责,要顺应社会进步和经济发展的要求,更好地保障香港公众的整体利益,共同造福社会。各级公务员尤其是高层官员,都应该自觉服从和维护行政长官的领导,同心同德,进取有为。社会各界人士应该在爱国爱港的旗帜下加强团结,支持行政长官和特别行政区政府依法施政,集中力量解决好一些关系香港未来社会和经济发展的重大问题。我相信,只要特别行政区政府同广大香港居民和衷共济,发挥各阶层之智慧,凝聚全社会之力量,就一定能够把香港的事情办好。 second, i hope the executive, legislative and judicial bodies of the hong kong sar will constantly improve their job performanceso as to provide better
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