and so, with my parents definition of distinguished leadership in my drawer at all times, i have pushed forward to redefine aggressive as assertive, yet hopefully never abrasive, to insure that i'm tough enough to make the hard decisions, but never unfairly, always treating people well...reminding myself at all times to have the humility and sensitivity which is expected in the chinese culture, adapted to the needs of the pressing business environment which requires a healthy dose of outwardly expressed confidence and courage.
in a way, my own experiences reflect those of many women in the business arena who struggle to retain the best of who they are while carving out a successful management career. during my visit here, i have met and talked with so many women, and i am truly heartened that the doors of opportunity are beginning to open for women in every field. but i also know that real change is a slow process, so i am hopeful that my own experiences as a woman and as a leader will provide a valuable perspective.
as the company for women, avon's commitment to providing developmental opportunities for women is second to none. as you might expect, avon has a solid representation of women in senior management. in fact, this was one of the reasons i joined the company a decade ago, working my way up the ranks through areas of increasing respon