he youth of China and the UK will meet the needs of the times and follow the tide of world development, study hard, move ahead in defiance of difficulties and make their due contribution to the development of their own countries, maintenance of world peace and advancement of the cause of human progress.
Thank you.
Speech delivered by Chinese President Jiang Zemin at the University of Cambridge on October 22.1999
" 如果您没有来过剑桥,就不算看过真正的大学 " 剑桥一直都被认为是全英国最富有学术城市, 以其学风之美吸引无数的游客.剑桥的骄傲更来自于它培育出比其它大学更多的诺贝尔奖得主及无 数杰出的科学家、思想家和诗人 ...
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