I'm just going to play a brief video clip.
On the fifth of December 1985, a bottle of 1787 Lafitte was sold for 105,000 pounds -- nine times the previous world record. The buyer was Kip Forbes, son of one of the most flamboyant millionaires of the 20th century. The original owner of the bottle turned out to be one of the most enthusiastic wine buffs of the 18th century. Chateau Lafitte is one of the greatest wines in the world, the prince of any wine cellar.
五万英镑 1985年的十二月五号,一瓶1787年的拉菲特葡萄酒被售出。 售价为十万五千英镑, 九倍于前世界纪录。 福布斯先生。 买家是基普·福布斯, 某位二十世纪最声名显赫的百万富翁之子。 这瓶酒的上一任拥有者是 十八世纪最狂热的葡萄酒爱好者之一。 尚图·拉菲特是全世界顶级葡萄酒之一, 任何酒窖中的极品。
Benjamin Wallace: Now, that's about all the videotape that remains of an event that set off the longest-running mystery in the modern wine world. And the mystery existed because of a gentleman named Hardy Rodenstock. In 1985, he announced to his friends in the wine world that he had made this incredible discovery. Some workmen in Paris had broken through a brick wall, and happened upon this hidden cache of wines -- apparently the property of Thomas Jefferson. 1787, 1784. He wouldn't reveal the exact number of bottles, he would not reveal exactly where the building was and he would not reveal exactly who owned the building. The mystery persisted for about 20 years.
本杰明·瓦伦斯:现在,这段影片纪录了 堪称现代葡萄酒世界持续时间最长的秘密。? 而这秘密的存在起因于一位名为哈迪·鲁登斯托克的绅士。 1985年,他对自己在葡萄酒界的朋友们宣布 他有一个令人难以置信的发现 一些在巴黎的工人们砸破了一堵砖墙 从而发现了这些被匿藏的葡萄酒 这似乎是托马斯·杰斐逊的财产。年份1787、1784 他不愿意公开确切的数量 他也不会公布建筑物的确切地址 他更不会公布具体的拥有人姓名 这个秘密持续了20年。
It finally began to get resolved in 2005 because of this guy. Bill Koch is a Florida billionaire who owns four of the Jefferson bottles, and he became suspicious. And he ended up spending over a million dollars and hiring ex-FBI and ex-Scotland Yard agents to try to get to the bottom of this. There's now ample evidence that Hardy Rodenstock is a con man, and t