阿曼多.曼尼以前是一名电影制片人, 他用托斯卡尼某处斜坡上特产的橄榄树制造了这种橄榄油 而且竭尽全力将其真空避光保存。 他用有色小玻璃瓶 并在橄榄油上层注入气体。 事实上,每制成一批 他总是做分子分析,还把结果公布在网上 你可以在网上通过批号 看到油酚的演变 并测出新鲜度 我混和了其他五种橄榄油,和这种一起让20个人做盲测。 这种橄榄油口味独特、有趣。 色泽清亮,非常辛辣。 但在盲测结果中,它排名最尾。 排名最佳的橄榄油 是一瓶在我的灶台上放了六个月的 超市橄榄油 Whole Foods 365。
A recurring theme is that a lot of these things are from Japan --you'll start to notice
你可能会注意到 这个主题很多相关的东西都来自日本。
I don't play golf, so I couldn't actually road test these, but I did interview a guy who owns them. Even the people who market these clubs -- I mean, they'll say these have four axis shafts which minimize loss of club speed and thereby drive the ball farther -- but they'll say, look, you know, you're not getting 57,000 dollars worth of performance from these clubs. You're paying for the bling, that they're encrusted with gold and platinum. The guy who I interviewed who owns them did say that he's gotten a lot of pleasure out of them, so ...
我不打高尔夫,所以我无法实际体验, 但我采访了一个拥有这套球具的人 我是说,即使是为这套球具做市场推广的人都会说 这套球具的四轴杆身可有效减少挥杆速度损失 打出的球可以更远——但是他们也会说, 你用这些球具不一定打得出等价于五万七千美元的表现。 你只是付钱买些那些闪亮的外表, 而那可是由黄金和铂金制成的。 我所采访的球具主人倒是说 他从中所获“乐趣“无穷,你可以想到。。。
Oh, yeah, you know this one? This is a coffee made from a very unusual process. The luwak is an Asian Palm Civet. It's a cat that lives in trees, and at night it comes down and it prowls the coffee